Hear ye! Hear ye! Ol Ed has found himself a new pad with 4 other dudes. Too bad there aren't any girls around =(. Destiny has yet again denied me of some female company for this semester. This time round the housemates are older, most of them being at least 24 and doing their postgrads except for one 22 year old. And yup I'm the resident fossil again at the ripe old age of 32. Once again I have taken in disciples for lessons in cooking. This time round I have got 2 housemates apprenticing me. Makes me feel kinda like the Master Bai Mei from Kill Bill Volumes. Haha! So over the past week I have imparted breakfast dishes, chinese stirfrys, pasta dishes and steak. One of the guys is so enamoured of good food now he's beginning to search the web for recipes to hone his cooking skills. The other day he came in after his meal of seafood marinara and said "Ah..zhe jiu shi sheng huo.." In French that would be C'est La vie aka That's Life. I'm a true beliver of leading a quality life, maybe because my job as a quality chemist rubbed off on me lol. Seriously why eat a plate of horrible food when you can eat a meal of much better quality?! And so I just had to rescue them from a dreary student's life of bland & unimaginative meals!Onward to culinary greatness! How did I do it? Seduction with plates of steaming steaks, flavored rice and sphaghetti. Like what my housemate said "Pao mian shi wang shi le" meaning "Instant noodles is a thing of the past".
People have often asked me that since I cooked pretty ok and have a great interest & knowledge of food and drink, that why I'm not opening an eatery or restaurant. When you open a restaurant, the economics come in. That's when the soda bicarbonates comes in to soften beef of inferior quality, the half eaten lobster shells going back to the pot for tomorrow's lobster bisque and roast chicken leftovers going into the curry. I'm have a humanitarian nature, I cant do this to people. If I open a eatery it will have to be on my own terms and with a significant amount of capital because I'm not compromising on quality. Eventually I will open a beach pub cum eatery serving quality meals. A place where you can have real roast beef sandwiches with a good Belgium/German beer and bask in the warm glow of the sun. It will be a pub where you can eat crispy bbq chicken wings with a tangy dip sauce and zone out with a cocktail. Soft music help people drift off an oasis of calm. However I need my first pot of gold or some financial support so I'll need day jobs.
It is my dream to give people and myself a piece of paradise. Life is too short for wars, famines and poltical repression. A mere 70 years shouldn't be wasted on these acts. I always recall how happy people are in the company of good friends, great food and drinks. Life should be good and even more wonderful if I'm able to offer people that. I'm not going to just sell good food , I'm going to sell fond memories. That'll be my life's business!